Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Birthday Wishes

Today I turned 32. Four years back, when i was 28, a friend from the past (A Ph. D) made a very solid argument backed with historical evidence that, 'Life mein kuch teer marna hai to woh bateez ke pahle hoga'. Translated crisply it reads, "if you were to achieve something great in your life its going be before you turn 32". It stayed with me ever since. So, untold to anyone till now, and now told to a few dozen people in the blogosphere, I was secretly hoping that a Wharton Admit on Dec 21st will be my big deal before my 32nd B-Day.

When I look back, which is a natural thing to do on B'days I am happy. I have professional as well as personal satisfaction. I have been a good employee as well as a loved employer. I have been a caring son, loving brother, dashing boyfriend, responsible husband, loyal friend, devouted student and a taxpaying citizen. I have made a few good impressions on the societies I lived and I also believe that I have tried to help a lot of people. I hope people who like me outnumber those who dislike me by a huge number. I am thankful to thousands of people whom I met over the years and from whom I have learnt invaluable lessons of life. I am especially thankful to my teachers who instilled in me the ability to learn new ideas and skills with an open mind.

2007 is going to be an important year. The rest of my career is going to turn in a different direction one way or other. The excitement of embarking on the unknown is plastering a smile on my face all the time. Though I cannot detail that path here yet, I will be writing about my 2007 here sometime soon.


JatWarrior said...

Happy Birthday, Azhakiya. Wish you a great new year of your life. Guess you gotta change your profile now :)

asiangal said...

Happy Birthday! This should be an exciting year for all of us! =)

Iday said...

Happy birthday :)