Thursday, December 07, 2006

One up in the Uptown

Prof. Michael Morris is a great teacher. The students are exceptional. The school environment was surprisingly casual. And as of now, I could write my 'Why Columbia' just by citing my experiences at the Managerial Negotiations class Prof. Morris took.

Since I am writing the Columbia Essay1, and because I cannot do justice to the 'Why Columbia' without sitting in a class, I shuffled many important parts of my office life to attend a class at Columbia. It was worth the drive, half day off from my work, $36 for parking (no I did not live there for a week, it was for 3hrs), and $5.40 for a slice of pepperoni pizza (No, not the whole pizza!). Though it was the final class of the course, and though the major part of the class was role play simulations, I experienced what each of those admits are capable of - the intellects, clarity of thought, strategic positioning and effective decision making skills. I can see myself becoming a better leader through such a structured educational environment.

In addition, this visit changed some of my preconceived negative perceptions of Columbia as an uptight, fiercely competitive, finance oriented, school. While I would not go anywhere near of rating it as the best collaborative environment (for which the winner is Wharton), there is no question in my mind that there are only exceptionally bright minds in there - students and faculty. How great will it be to know those people for life!

I will submit by columbia RD application later this month.

1 comment:

asiangal said...

Nice to hear your experience in Columbia was a positive one. I'm too far away to do campus visits, but it's always interesting to hear from fellow applicants. I'm hoping to get my RD application in by December as well. =)