Tuesday, February 21, 2006

An Interesting Presidents Day

The day started like a normal one. I even made the coffee. Then the phone rang.

Whole morning was all GMAT. Not mine though. My dear friend who was supposed to start his GMAT in 30mnts was on the other side of the phone. He had a downer morning. After, an understandably preparation-ful weekend, and two train rides later, he arrived promptly at Vue Parson in downtown NYC to take the test. He is the type of guy who usually carries 3 spare tires in the trunk. Vue Parson broke the news to him that, his ID was no good. The only ID they deem worthy of their scrutiny is a Passport. Just like so many other things in this country, the imposer hardly ever knows the reason for imposing. And how ever much persuasive the underlying logic and explanations are, still the sufferer ends up the sufferer.

New Jersey, has the toughest, meanest, kick ass rules to deny you a drivers license. There is something called a 6 point check which is performed using a Turbo chraged CT-XRAY-Chromatography-scan machine, installed at every DMV, which once in a blue moon, randomly picks a lotto winner, to hold an NJ license. I have gone with the same person to a far away asylum of a DMV couple of months back, and witnessed live his license application being denied. He is working in the US for the last 6 years. He got his fresh license just last month.

That license, was what, the Vue parson declared unworthy to be considered as a Valid Proof of Identification.

So, he told me of this episode. we did some quick thinking to estimate that there could be a fair possibility of he being able to take the test yesterday itself, if certain stars align and do a jig together. I went to his home, picked up the Passport and drove to the downtown. After a little bit of getting lost he got the Passport in time to take the test.

The burdened he went through clearly reflected on his score.

Morale of the story : Carry your Passport to Vue Parson, If the test is not in your home country.

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